Hello Hampshire Math Families!


During the 2022-23 school year, the middle school math classes adopted a new curriculum called Into Math. In the 2023-24 school year, certain high school math courses, Algebra I, II, and Geometry, adopted a new curriculum called Into AGA. This shift aims to better align our district's elementary, middle, and high school math curriculums and build thinking classrooms where students are engaged in deep thinking and problem-solving. Students and families will likely start to notice changes in assignments and the type of questions teachers and paras are using to promote student thinking. Continued patience would be greatly appreciated as teachers and paras continue to navigate this new curriculum and online platform. Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your support.

The Hampshire Math Department

Welcome, Katelyn Garvey!

Algebra 1 & Algebra 2, Digital Literacy

Room 213 kgarvey@hr-k12.org

Ms. Garvey is currently replacing Mr. Bill.

Ms. O'Connor will be out for the rest of the school year.

Math Teachers